About Us

I started my creative journey making beaded jewellery, initially lots and lots of earrings.  It was around 2010, a friend I worked with made earrings and I said I would never know how to do that.  She told me what I needed to get started and off I went to buy it. It was such a revelation and so much fun and I was so happy and proud when people bought my pieces and I would see them being worn. 

In between working, I was making lots of jewellery and really enjoying it, I found the process great for relaxing and I would have a number of open houses @ year to sell what I made.

In 2019, I went to an upcycling furniture workshop and again was really taken with the process. Taking old, discarded and cheap furniture and making them beautiful again was wonderful.  This all happened during COVID and lots of people were getting into old style” crafts.  This really set me off on looking at other creative pursuits.  Learning through workshops, talking to others crafters and watching many tutorials on YouTube.

This website represents the next part of my journey - taking what I do and showing more people.  It’s a little scary and confronting, but I hope you enjoy and appreciate what I do.

I would really appreciate your feedback and thank you for visiting.

Kind regards 
